My vi "mug"

^                move to first non blank in line
ctl-u, d         up, down half screen, cursor stays put
ctl-e, y         scroll screen up, down
H, L, M          cursor to top, bottom, middle of screen
ctl-b, f         back, forward one screen
mp               mark p
`p               move to p
d`p, y`p         delete, copy text from mark to cursor
>>, <<           shift line in, out, modify w/ n
:set shiftwidth=2
:r !cmd          run cmd and insert output

vi filename(s)   edit a file or files
vi -r filename   retrieve saved file
ZZ, :wq, :x      save and exit
:q, :q!          quit, quit without saving
:w, :w fn        save file, save file as fn
:e filename      edit file
:n               open next file in list
:sh              drop to new shell
:!cmd            run command cmd
:r !cmd          run cmd and insert output
:E filename      split window and edit file
:W               split window
ctl-w            move between windows

/txt, ?txt       find txt forward, backward
/^txt            find txt at beginning of line
n, N             repeat last search forward, backward
r                replace character
R                replace/overwrite text from cursor

:s/txt/yyy       substitute txt yyy current line
:%S/txt/yyy/g    substitute txt yyy entire file, globaly
:.,$             current line to eof
:1,15            line 1 to 15

dw, dd, x        delete word, line, character
ndw, ndd, nx     delete n words, lines, characters
x, X             delete character forward, backward
D, d$            delete to end of line
dG               delete to end of file
dmotion, d-spc-  delete from cursor to motion

nyy, nY          copy n lines
yw               copy word
ymotion          copy from cursor to motion
y-space-, yl     copy character under cursor

p, P             paste text after, before cursor
a, i             insert text after, before cursor
A, I             insert text end, beginning of line

:>, :<           shift line shiftwidth, in, out
>>, <<           same, modify w/ n
S                replace text with blank line
o, O             insert new line below, above
u, U             undo last change, line change
.                repeat last change

all below can be modified w/ n-#, default is n=1
h, l, k, j       left, right, up, down
b, w             left, right beginning of word
e                move to end of word
), (             move to next, previous sentence
}, {             move to next, previous paragraph

%                match brackets, parenthesis

nG               move to line n
$, G             move to end of line, file
0                move to beginning of line
^                move to first non blank in line

ctl-b, f         back, forward one screen
ctl-u, d         up, down one screen, cursor stays put
H, L, M          cursor to top, bottom, middle of screen
ctl-e, y         scroll screen up, down, cursor stays on line

~                change case
xp               transpose characters
J                join current with next line
:ab x y          x is an abbreviation for y

mp               mark p
`p               move to p
d`p, y`p         delete, copy text from mark to cursor

set noautoindent
set autoindent
set shiftwidth=2
set nu
set nonu