Lots of different versions of maps out there for the Coopers Rock State Forest.
Right now, this is the one I like best. Not all the trails are named, but we still know what they are.
Thank you Steve Harouff.
Coopers Rock State Forest Official Road & Trail Map
Got this from the WV Forestery site pertaining to Coopers Rock-
More Coopers Rock Info
Also please keep in mind-
We simply cannot pre-mark the course. It gets torn down and then all is for naught. We mark it Saturday afternoon and we still have to review parts of it and make things right. Unfortunately it's just the way it is and has been. Thank you for your patience and consideration.
The race will start on Henry Clay Rd, not at the top of Scott Run Trail where GPS route starts.
Off Henry Clay Rd, across the little bridge, through the field and onto Roadside Trail, then the little connector to the Day Use Lot, through it, across the road and onto Scott Run Trail.
Take Scott Run the whole way around and up and down and then up to McCollum Campground Rd.
Go back left to the campground and turn up onto the Campground Connector Trail which starts right before the first building there.
This Ts w/ a service road, turn left down it and then another left shortly after onto the top Nature Trail. Nature Trail out to the playground, across it and back on to the other section of Nature Trail.
At the end of Nature Trail go left down the service road until it bears right, go up this old logging road, we call this the Wood Shed loop. Follow this until you get to Raven Rock Road/Trail and head on up.
After a bit of climbing take the left that leads to and across the Powerline, bear left & down, then right & up onto another service road that leads you back to the road.
Cross the road, turn right onto Roadside Trail and take it the whole way back to the finish at the Henry Clay Rd.
Same start as the Beginner loop, same course up until you're coming back on the Roadside Trail and come to the reservoir area.
At the reservoir the Sports and Experts will head to the left, a hard left onto the service road, which leads to Libor Trail, take that down and across but before you get to "The Wall" at the end, there is a hard right going down. At the bottom this is Clay Run Road, start up Clay Run Rd but before too long take your first left that goes up as well. This goes up, up, up and then eventually to the Powerline.
Take a right at the Powerline, before you get to the steep drop off there is a small trail on the left that goes around the old $$ Climb. Take it and it drops you out near the bottom, turn left and continue out the Powerline.
At the end the trail is off to the left, and this leads back to Clay Run Road. Turn left, continuing up. As you near the top take the first Reservoir Trail and go up the hill, down the backside, take the hard right at the rock cairn and continue on to and across the reservoir.
Take the service road up and to the Roadside Trail. Sports will turn left and take it to the finish. Experts will turn right and head towards the Overlook.
Experts Only!
At the end of Roadside Trail, turn right on the lower parking lot road. Then turn right and go back into the picnic area. There's a trail off to the right, in between two rocks, we call this Favorite Trail, take this.
At the end of Favorite Trail, the Wall is to your right but take the left that goes over the log and up, this connects to Rhododendron Trail.
Turn right onto Rhododendron Trail and follow it until there's a trail on the left.
Take the left, cross the stream, and then up the switchbacks. At the top take the first left that goes to Rock City.
At Rock City go around the shelter to the right and enter Rock City proper. Mind your head!
At the end climb on out and then keep on going down the hill, down Rock City Trail bear a little left as it turns into Ridge Trail and keep on going down.
Ridge Trail runs into Mont Chateau Trail, take it right, going up the creek bed. Up, up, up. Soon enough you'll cross a bridge, be careful of slippy bridges! Turn right after the bridge and keep on going toward Henry Clay Furnace, bearing left if needed.
Cross another bridge and gaze at the Furnace. Then proceed around to the right and up.
Before too long, turn right onto the Railgrade Trail (Advanced Ski Trail). Take this up almost to the top.
Right before it Ts into Henry Clay Rd, turn right and down the Intermediate Ski Trail, At the bottom cross the little bridge, bear left and then head up yet again.
Pedal, pedal, pedal until you hit the Rock Cairn on the Reservoir Trail. Take it to the left, and you're on the same course as before. Go across the reservoir, then the service road bearing left and up.
At Roadside Trail turn left and head to the finish at Henry Clay Road.